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    Воскресенье, 06.10.2024, 02:50
    Курсы английского языка » Файлы » Мои файлы

    World Cup - Spain - the winner
    [ Скачать с сервера (687.4 Kb) ] 23.07.2010, 10:25
    They're still partying here in Madrid; the celebration of Spain's first ever World Cup win has gone on right through the night.

    The city high street, Gran Via, has been closed to traffic as thousands of fans conduct their own victory parade. They've been dancing on dustbins and hanging from lamp-posts. Wrapped in the national flag, they've been singing, drinking, and savouring the moment.

    Prime Minister Zapatero has called Spain's success an epic victory; one that’ll go down in the country's history. The team coach calls winning the World Cup reward for beautiful football. There's no doubting that for Spanish fans. Later today, the new world champions will arrive back here in Madrid. This city, the whole country, plan to welcome their footballers as national heroes.

    Sarah Rainsford, BBC News, Madrid
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